5 questions with Ron Humtsoe – The romantic crooner

Ron Humtsoe

May be Lobo, the popular American singer of the 70s sounded like Ron Humtsoe when he started of. The simple yet clear voice and romantic lyrics is something they share in common. Nagaland is surely a place of hundreds of gems which, if polished can do well in the competitive music industry.

Nagas Connect got in touch with young Ron to ask him about his new song “With You” and what’s goin on in his mind after the launch of his debut in YouTube.

1.What is the inspiration behind the beautiful hummable song “With You”?
It was couple of years back, during a cold winter night when my Girl Friend who I dearly loved, left me for someone better than me with an unbearable ache. Well, I ain’t blaming her either because everyone of us deserves the best. I am happy instead that this situation has brought me into a juncture with lots of emotions and has inspired me to come up with this song.

2.Tell us something about you.
I am Mr.Rhonbemo Humtsoe. I reside in Sangtamtilla, Rangapahar. Iam blessed with 4 sibblings and I’m the youngest in the family and I’m kind of emotional and a sensitive guy beyond my outwardly attitude (extrovert personality). I did my Bachelor in Arts from Unity College of Arts and Commerce. Beside travelling and singing I love to spend time with my family which is priceless. Nevertheless I love making new friends.

3.What are some of the challenges you faced as an upcoming musician?
This is one of the best questions (Smiles). Challenges! Well I did encounter numerous challenges in the process yet I’d rather choose to keep it secret as of now (smiles) and rather say that every little step that I take up is a big responsibility cum an achievement for me for which I always look up to these 3 mantras-

1.Have faith in myself that I can and work harder not to prove others but to be a better version of “Me”. 2.To be in the presence of the Lord. 3.To be in under the care and support my near and dear ones.

4.Are you going to experiment a bit or stick to your current genre of music?
As from the very begining of my musical journey, I found that this was the style of music that best suited my voice, lyrics and tunes. With lots of other genres flooding around I sticked to it as of now and I want to dive deeper into this genre and polish it. I’m working on right now.

5.Are you going to take up music professionally? If yes what are some of your future plans?
Since from my very young age I was so much obsessed into music. Now it’s high time to take it up professionally. There are so many plans yet I can’t share any as of now. But….but….if God willing, one day hopefully there will be golden days for struggling musicians like me. (Smiles)

His Song “With You”

Ron Humtsoe With You /Official Music video.
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