5 Questions with Agri entrepreneur Vizosielie Rupreo

Vizo receiving the Bharat StartUp award 2024 at New Delhi

1. When and how did you start your journey as an Agri/livestock entrepreneur?
I started my journey as an agri/livestock entrepreneur in 2015 after realising the potential of sustainable farming practices and the need for quality livestock products. Growing up in a farming family, I was always fascinated by agriculture. I began by taking over my family’s farm established in the year 2002 and gradually expanded it to include diverse crops and livestock. I also attended workshops, seminars, and training programs to enhance my knowledge and skills.

2. What activities do you do in your farm?
Our farm, V.R Farm located at Chiechama Village under Kohima District in the state of Nagaland, is a diverse agricultural enterprise focusing on:

We prioritize sustainable practices, efficient water management, and soil conservation.

3. Is there scope for young entrepreneurs to venture into livestock and agriculture? What kind of assistance is available from the government for entrepreneurs like you?
Yes, there’s immense scope for young entrepreneurs in agriculture and livestock. The government offers various schemes and programs to support entrepreneurs, such as:

4. Besides farming, what activities are you involved in as an entrepreneur?

Apart from farming, I’m involved in:

We also have a team of woodworkers, Masonry workers, welder, electrician and painter where we provide construction related services.

5. What are some of your future plans?
In the next 10 years, I plan to:

These plans align with our mission to promote sustainable agriculture, support local communities, and contribute to India’s agricultural growth.

For his efforts and enterprising activities Vizo received the Bharat StartUp award 2024 at New Delhi.

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