Mahak Singh*, R Talimoa Mollier and D J Rajkhowa
ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region, Nagaland Centre, Medziphema, Nagaland
The challenges faced by North Eastern region in general and Nagaland in particular for food and nutritional security due to fast growing population need an integrated approach for livestock farming. Piggery is most preferred and potential source of meat production and more efficient feed converter.
Apart from providing meat, it is also a source of bristles and manure. Scientific pig farming on commercial scale will provide employment opportunities to unemployed youth and supplementary income to improve their living standards. Pig is a biological machine that converts kitchen waste, industrial waste, pasture and other feeds into protein for human consumption. In the North Eastern Region of India, pig rearing is a way of life and the system of pig production in the region is unique.
Pig farming is interwoven with the traditional tribal culture and socioeconomic life. The tribal farmers of the region practice almost a zero input pig production system. Every village tribesman rears two to three pigs in backyard condition. Black colour pigs are preferred over white pig in Nagaland. Rearing of pig for fattening purpose is preferred than for breeding purpose. Although, pork is essential ingredient of tribal people’s diet, but the pig husbandry has been a neglected sector.