5 ‘funny’ coronavirus songs on Youtube

Millions of people are Locked down in their homes due to the COVID pandemic. This has given many people the opportunity to be creative and and entertain us.

Here are 5 funny coronavirus songs we enjoyed 🙂

CoronaVirus Song | C-O-V-I-D 19

“My Best friend and shop mate Casey Groves made this epic music video so i couldn’t help posting it for him.” goes the video description.

“This too will go VIRAL! Awesome in a Hilarious way” one person commented.

“The Coronavirus Song” Buddy Brown | Truck Sessions

Buddy Brown’s song sure does sound good.

One person commented – A better title for this song would be “Lockdown Blues”.

“Corona Song | Tejas Gambhir

This video is already viral in India!

The Quarantine Rap

Finally, our very own – talented comedians – Dreamz Unlimited.

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