COVID-19: NPF against deducting salary of Govt. employees

TR Zeliang

The Naga Peoples Front through its press bureau has expressed concern that the state government as part of its preparedness, has resorted to the “theory of salary deduction from public servants.”

NPF maintained that police fall within the parameter of being classified as ‘Frontline Workers’ engaged in combating coronavirus, a global pandemic. NPF said even though entire Nagaland has been under total lockdown, the assignment and duties of the police has not lessened so the welfare of the personnel needed consideration.

NPF said, instead, special incentives should be provided to sanitation workers, doctors and nurses including individuals or agencies engaged in combating coronavirus who should be awarded by the state instead of having salaries deducted.

NPF said even the initiative of setting up of CM’s relief fund to receive contribution from people should be voluntary and not coerced otherwise, it would tantamount to extortion.

NPF also expressed concern over reported shortage of some essential commodities including rice in many districts and said it was disheartened to note that the PDA government was asking the common people to deposit three months advance for their quota of rice.

Such a policy approach was “very shallow and unthinkable” when people were going through a very rough time owing to the complete lockdown it said. NPF has suggested that the state government utilise the Rs.17 crore recently withdrawn for VDB matching grant fund to purchase essential commodities and later reimburse it from the Relief Funding on COVID-19 from the central government.

NPF also urged the ruling coalition to ensure sufficient supply of essential commodities and also utilise various government revenues including revenue from GST amounting to crores of rupees instead of begging from the poor public and exhibiting helplessness on the pretext of paucity of fund.

Further NPF ridiculed the PDA government for its claim of being prepared to tackle COVID-19 when there was no required facilities on the ground. It urged upon the PDA to be more transparent in tackling COVID-19 as the lives of the people of Nagaland “cannot be put at risk due to negligence of the government.”

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