NCD not to allow burial of COVID-19 patients at Naga cemetery

Pic: Imliwapang Jamir

The Naga Council Dimapur (NCD) president Bangerloba said the NCD has requested state government to be prepared to identity an alternate burial site in case of any victims of COVID-19 as per Nagaland Post.

The NCD president was reportedly concerned for the safety of colonies around it and people residing within the vicinity of the cemetery.

He said this concern had been made known to the state government so as to prepare for any eventuality. The NCD president has said that even otherwise, there is no more space left in the cemetery at Lake View Colony for fresh burials except for exceptional cases.

NCD has already identified a new plot for cemetery in Zani village area which is yet to be operational.

Govt. of India guidelines on dead body management of COVID-19 patient
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