Activities allowed in Nagaland (Green Zone)

The Central Government on Friday extended the coronavirus lockdown by two more weeks. The lockdown was to end on May 3. But the third edition of nationwide lockdown will be different from the previous ones in character. More activities are allowed in the new lockdown guidelines.

Nagaland falls under Green Zone. Green zones are the districts with either zero confirmed cases till date or, no confirmed case in the last 21 days.

Here is what all is permitted in the green zones and what is not:

  • All activities are permitted except those prohibited throughout the country, irrespective of the zonal division. Buses can operate with up to 50 per cent seating capacity and bus depots can operate with up to 50 per cent capacity.
  • All goods traffic is permitted. No state/ UT shall stop the movement of cargo for cross land-border trade under treaties with neighbouring countries.
  • No separate pass of any sort is needed for such movement, which is essential for maintaining the supply chain of goods and services across the country during the lockdown period.
  • Air, rail, sea and metro train services are not allowed. These services are not allowed in any of the zones.
  • E-commerce is allowed in non-essential items in green zone and also in orange zones.
  • “Shops selling paan, gutka, tobacco etc. in public places will ensure minimum six feet distance (2 gaz ki doori) from each other, and also that not more than 5 persons are present at one time at the shop,” reads the government order.
  • In all zones, person above 65 years, persons with co-morbidities, pregnant women and children below 10 years shall stay at home.
  • OPDs and medical clinics shall be permitted to operate in red, orange and green zones with all social distancing norms.
  • The states/ UTs can allow only select activities from list of permitted activities and impose additional restrictions based on their assessment of the situation. The primary objective, the Centre’s notification says, is to keep the spread of Covid-19 in check.
  • School, college, institutions , hospitality services , including hotels and restaurants, place of large gathering , such as cinema halls, malls, gym, sports complex, social, political, cultural and all kind of gathering, religious place/place of worship for public remain closed during lockdown 3.0.
  • Movement of stranded foreign nationals, persons released from quarantine, stranded migrant workers and students, pilgrims, tourists and other such persons is to be facilitated following the Standard Operating Protocols (SOPs) issued by Union home ministry.
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