Petroleum dealers, Apex tribal bodies demand fuel cess rollback

Recently the state government has imposed COVID-19 cess of Rs.5 on a litre of diesel, Rs.6 on a litre of petrol and motor spirits.

After business bodies of the state demanded its rollback, now the petroleum dealers and tribal bodies have raised their voice against the hike.

Petroleum Dealers Association Dimapur (PDAD) and Kohima Petroleum Dealers Association (LPDA) have appealed to the state government to review its decision while considering the problems faced by the general public. Both associations have appealed to the public not to harass the petrol pumps in the issue of price rise as it was beyond their control.

CNTC said “it was simple logic that rise in prices of fuel will only push up prices of all commodities. Hence, instead of subsidising essential items and relieving public from hardships who are facing a difficult time, the government was only adding more burden on public just to earn revenue.”

Western Sumi Hoho has stated “it was “very unbecoming” of the state government to take such “an upsetting measure” when people were reeling under immense hardship on all fronts and with all economic activities and security disrupted.”

Naga Council Dimapur has asked all petrol pumps to shut down and appealed to all petrol pump owners to “express their solidarity” with public in order to show resentment against the state government for as long as prices of fuel continue to hike up prices of essential commodities.

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