Special train arranged by state Govt to start soon says Chief Secy

Temjen Toy

It has not been easy for Nagaland government to deal with the Covid19 crisis. Heading the state COVID-19 war room, Chief secretary Temjen Toy has been leading from the front.

Interacting with a section of the media on Friday, Toy said that “All protocols have been put in place and everyday coordination meetings are held with the Empowered Group and Health Department on the level of preparedness and we feel that we are prepared to take the returnees in.”

According to the chief secretary, special train arranged by the state government will start soon in a regulated manner. The special train is expected to arrive in the state “at least by mid-next week from Chennai” with about 1500-1700 persons.

On the charges of delaying to bring back the stranded people home, the Chief Secretary accepted that all states were bringing back their people and we have been blamed of being slow. “This is not a race, but as we have to be prepared and the state government wanted to make the process as seamless as possible,” he reiterated.

The chief secretary informed that the government has arranged quarantine facilities according to the district – upon arrival, the stranded people from Peren, Dimapur and Mon, forming the largest number of people, would be kept in Dimapur and the remaining districts in Kohima.

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