COVID-19: ‘Challenge starts now’ says CS; ‘Do not panic’ says CM

Chief Secretary Temjen Toy addressed a press conference after test reports came from the BSL-3 lab in Kohima of three people testing positive for COVID-19.

The chief secretary said that the real challenge starts today. He informed that the health department has started all protocols including contact tracing and also increasing the number of tests.

The chief secretary appealed to the people to rise up to the occasion, show solidarity and set example. Citing the first case which was referred to Guwahati. The patient was stigmatized and social media went berserk. The chief secretary hoped all that will not happen again.

The Chief secretary said that he was more worried about the reaction of the people. “Please think for them, we need to respect their privacy” he appealed and said that “it could happen to anyone.”

He said “these will not be the only cases, more will come out and we need to be prepared.”

Don’t panic says CM

Chief Minister Neiphiu Rio revealed that 2 persons from Dimapur and 1 from Kohima has been tested positive and appealed people not to panic. The CM mentioned that contact tracing & containment measures are being taken and situation closely monitored.

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