NBSE to declare Cl.10 and Cl.12 results on 30 May

The provisional results of the HSLC (Class 10) and HSSLC (Cl 12) examinations 2020 conducted by the Nagaland Board of School Education (NBSE) shall be declared in the late afternoon of 30th May 2020.

As per NBSE notification, the results shall be made available in the following modes:

A. Internet:
1. www.nbsenagaland.com
2. www.examresults.net
3. www.indiaresults.com
4. www.newsnation.in
5. www.schools9.com

The results can be accessed by sending SMS to numbers mentioned with the following keywords:

For Cl. 10 result:
SMS – NB10 [space] ROLL NUMBER to 56070

For CL. 12 result:
SMS – NB12 [space] ROLL NUMBER to 56070

C. Android mobile App
Search NBSE results in play store

D. Printed form
The provisional result gazettes will be issued to all registered institutions of the board.

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