Fake news of Covid-19 vaccine resulting in low vaccination in Nagaland

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Nagaland’s vaccination drive for Covid-19 is lagging behind compared to other North East states.

While Manipur has administered over 4 lakh doses, Nagaland has just administered about 2.5 lakh does till date.

“Vaccine availability is not an issue but the problem is there are less takers, particularly among age groups above 45 years, due to various reasons,” Dr. Ritu Thurr, state immunization officer, directorate of health and family welfare has told the Hindustan Times.

He says despite the awareness campaign, residents in these age groups are resisting and adopting a “wait and watch” approach, mainly due to rumours and fake news circulating in social media platforms, casting doubts over the efficacy of vaccines.

On the other hand, the youth are eager to get vaccinated, giving out hope that this trend would increase converting those who are hesitant at the moment, the officer said.

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