₹ 20 lakh crore lawsuit filed against China for Coronavirus Outbreak

Larry Klayman

American advocacy group Freedom Watch has filed a ₹ 20 lakh crore (USD 20 trillion) lawsuit against China for the creation and the release of the novel coronavirus that has infected more than 334,000 people globally.

Larry Klayman of the advocacy group alleged that the novel coronavirus was “designed by China to be a biological weapon of war”, and that whether or not the country intended to release it, China violated “US law, international laws, treaties, and norms.”

“There is no reason why the American taxpayer should, contrary to the establishment in Washington, D.C., have to pay for the tremendous harm caused by the Chinese government,” Klayman said in a statement. “The Chinese people are a good people, but their government is not and it must be made to pay dearly.”

“COVID-19 is an extremely dangerous disease because it has an extremely aggressive nature, was designed to mutate from person to person, spreads very quickly and easily, no vaccine exists yet on account of it being a new disease, the means of transmission are not fully known with certainty, and treatments are only just being worked out, and the disease appears to be about ten times as deadly as the flu,” the lawsuit read.


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