COVID-19: Now couples can get married online in New York

Desperate times call for desperate measures – and in this case the local government has heard the concerns of desperate couples whose wedding have been affected due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

On Saturday, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo allowed New Yorkers to obtain a marriage license remotely and also allowed clerks to perform ceremonies via video conference.

Following the announcement, the governor briefly joked about the order.
“Video marriage ceremonies. There’s now no excuse when the question comes up for marriage. No excuse,” Cuomo said. “You can do it by zoom. Yes or no?”

Some questioned why couples would choose to hold weddings when their families and friends are unable to join them, or criticised the governor for not prioritising other decisions.

But others pointed out that during a pandemic, marriage could offer practical benefits, such as allowing couples to share health insurance coverage.

New York is the worst affected state in United States with over 20,000 deaths due to the coronavirus.

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